A Few Cookie Recipes

Oatmeal Drop Cookies

Work one cupful of shortening until creamy, using all butter or equal proportions of cooking oil and butter. Add one cupful of sugar gradually, while beating constantly; then add two small eggs, beaten until light, one-third cupful of milk, one and one-half cupfuls of rolled oats, one cupful of raisins, seeded and chopped, and one-half cupful of chopped English walnut meats. Mix and sift one and one-half cupfuls of flour, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, and one-half teaspoonful each of cinnamon, clove, allspice, and soda. Add to first mixture, and when thoroughly mixed drop from tip of spoon, one and one-half inches apart, on a buttered tin sheet, and bake in a moderate oven.

Pecan Cookies

Beat the yolks of two eggs until thick and lemon-colored, and add one cupful of brown sugar gradually, while beating constantly; then add one cupful of chopped pecan-nut meats, sprinkled with one-eighth teaspoonful of salt, the whites of two eggs, beaten until stiff, and six tablespoonfuls of flour. Drop from tip of spoon on buttered sheet, one and one-half inches apart, spread, and bake in a moderate Oven.

Jelly Jumbles

Work one-half cupful of butter or margarine until creamy, and add one cupful of sugar gradually, while beating constantly; then add one egg, beaten until light, one-half teaspoonful of soda mixed with one-half cupful of sour milk, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, and flour to make a soft dough. Chill thoroughly, toss on a slightly floured board, and pat and roll to one-fourth inch in thickness. Shape in rounds, using a cutter. until mixture is of the right consistency to spread; then add first dipped in flour. On the centers of one half of the pieces put a small cube of currant jelly. With a thimble, make three small openings in each of the remaining pieces in triangular fashion near the centers, and put pieces together. Press edges slightly, and bake in a rather hot oven.

The Librarian
When my husband and I first met, I worked in the school library. Hence the name "The Librarian".

I love cooking, being a housewife, gardening, sewing along with quilt making, being a grandma, and my cats. I'm the pianist at my church and just so happens, my husband is my pastor.