How To Become a Certified Freelance Drafter & CAD Operator

Are you earning enough a week to make ends meet? Can you reasonably expect your present job to pay you a top grade salary in the near future? If not, this article will probably interest you. We offer to qualify you for a profession which, at the very start, pays higher salaries than the average person usually receives. We offer you the best personal service obtainable. We offer you personal instruction in mechanical drawing and teach you expert draftsmanship in your spare time, at your home, over the internet, in the same practical way that you would learn it in any big drafting department.

We offer to qualify you for one of the many high salaried positions In the Drafting field, and to keep you in touch with openings for drafters in big machine shops, industrial plants, manufacturing concerns and United States Government Departments. We will start you on real drafting work at once, qualifying you as a thoroughly trained Professional Drafter, capable of succeeding from the very start. One of the many outstanding features of our training is that it qualifies you in an unusually short time. Become a Certified Drafter You can’t make a mistake by taking up mechanical drawing. The field isn’t crowded, nor can it be. No single profession today offers better opportunities. The great need for trained drafters continues to increase. Each step forward in mechanical development creates a need for more trained drafters. Promotion in this field is sure and certain.

Men or women who start as drafters are often advanced to Chief Drafter, Production Manager or other high salaried positions. There is a constant demand for drafting graduates. The schools can’t supply them quick enough. Many or them are accepted even before they complete their training. This unusual demand for our trained students is explained by the fact that our students start their education doing actual drawing work the day they log in to their first lesson. They spend no time with unnecessary preparation, relearning what they already should know, or useless theory. This is the age of technology in world history.

The day of big opportunities for technically trained drafters is here. Especially is this true in the case of drafters, on whom the mechanical industry of America and the entire world depends. On no one profession does the continued development of machinery so nearly center. With the training which we can give you at your home, your services will always be in demand, at a premium, in this permanent, highly paid field. Go to The Online Drafting School for more info…

The author, Tim Davis, is the creator of The Online Drafting School. We are certain we can make a difference in your career…

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I'm your host and webmaster. I'm someone who enjoys life to it's fullest and love programming, drafting, farming, and an ordained Baptist pastor and sheriff's department chaplain.