Smallmouth or Largemouth – Landing All Bass Will Be Easy

All Bass hunters must have been ready by this time. As the most sought after game fish, Bass is very much popular to the anglers in North America. This big, tail dancing tough fish isn’t easy to catch and they’ll give you the best fight. It will be wise to be well-prepared with necessary equipment if you are planning to get your big buddies. Here comes the question of having right tools especially a good and strong spinning reel to make things easy. There are a variety of sizes of Bass fish. This short guide will cover the types of bass and some tips about how to easily find and land trophy bass one after another. For those who love to take this challenge, like us, this is a little effort from our end.

Different Types of Bass:

All The freshwater bass belong to the black bass family and have some distinct differences. These game-fish are most popular and well known for their extreme fighting ability. They can be found both in still and moving waters all over the North America.

Bass can be usually categorized by the most anglers as the largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and the rock bass.

· A largemouth bass has a long jaw-line that extends past its eye thus can be easily identified. On the other hand, a smallmouth bass has a much small mouth.

· Both of them can be grown around 5 lbs, but a largemouth giant tends to be bigger in size compared to the smallmouth species.

· The largemouths usually hang out in ponds or other still water source that is opposed to smallmouths that prefer moving waters.

· Rock bass are similar to smallmouth bass in appearance but are a bit smaller in size.

· Rock bass can be identified with its two dorsal fins with spinous and soft-rayed united portions, six anal spines, a large mouth, red eyes and dark dots on their sides.

Bass Finding Tips:

· The Natures of bass can be the key points to anglers. If you are looking for smallmouth bass try to find the place where they can hangout. Usually they can be found in rock bed area that has a current. The current wash the bait fish and aim towards the bass. If you are planning to get the largemouth species go to still water with little current.

· Appetite of these cold blooded creatures is controlled by the water’s temperature. In warmer weather bass tend to be more aggressive and travel together. This is also very important sign for anglers as it means once you have found one, plenty of them will be there.

· By nature the bass are carnivores. Anything they deem as food that comes on its way, they attack. They usually lay low in rocky areas while waiting for food to come within the striking distance.

Bass Fishing Tips

· Spring and fall are the best times to catch bass. Around these seasons they become stimulated and head out on water.

· Bass are lazy species so try to get their attention using shiny lures.

· Use a perfect spinning reel suitable for bass fishing and cover large area with good cast and retrieve power. Find your best one here…

· Using a tube jig that is tipped with a real worm will work amazingly.

Final Word:

Catching a trophy bass is an awesome experience. Targeting bass wouldn’t be that difficult if you know what to do and have the right equipment. Wading through the numerous options of fishing reels available on market; we’ve realized that you might need a good one. In this bass fishing guide we tried to teach you exactly what to look for and what to do. We have also tried to provide some helpful tips. We also tried to highlight how a good bass utensils and fishing reel will serve you in proper way and where you can find it. You don’t need thousand dollars equipment. That is why the bass fishing has been most popular entertainment to all water beast hunters.

Fishing is great hobby now a days. It’s a great recreational activities not only people are doing this type of activities for only catching fish.

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