Planting your Roses

Planting Your Roses

When you receive your roses plant as soon as possible. If the ground is waterlogged heel them in out of the frost. Keep the roots moist. If the roots are all dry, immerse in a bucket of water for an hour before planting.

Make a hole large enough to spread the roots out evenly. Make up a mixture of one part soil and one part peat and two handfuls of Bone Meal.

Use the mixture to cover the roots. Firm this in by treading around the plant. If you have any well rotted farm manure now is the time to add it, laying it lightly over the firm soil. On top of this put a layer of soil loosely on the surface. The Bud Union should be on a level or just a fraction below the surface of the soil when planting is completed.

Container Grown Roses When roses are purchased in containers, disturb them as little as possible. Dig a hole just large enough for the size of the container then ease the plant free and fit into the hole and tread in firmly following the procedure in planting your roses. Water is essential to a newly planted container rose. For the first 14 days water every day until it looks really well settled.

It is essential that whenever you plant your Roses you inspect them every week or so (more often if you can mange it) to see how they are faring. They may need a stem cut or a tie secured and it is very important to check and do this even in the depths of winter. Plants respond to loving care and attention and will repay you during their flowering season.

Planting Standard Roses Drive stake in first. If you can obtain a rounded stake this prevents rubbing on the stem of the plant in windy conditions. Plant as for rose bushes and tie firmly. Three ties are advisable. One at the top just below the union – this is to be a very strong tie because as the rose matures there is a lot of weight on the top of the plant. If this is not supported well the whole of the top can break off in gale conditions. The second tie half way down the stem and the third at the bottom. It is essential to examine these ties every week or so to see that they have not become loose especially if the weather is windy.

Planting Climbers and Ramblers When planting climbers and ramblers near the house or wall make sure the hole you dig is at least 1ft away and lay the roots in the opposite direction to the wall. Plant at a slight angle towards the support being used e.g. trellis wall, pillar and then spread the stems out in the shape you wish the plant to follow and secure firmly using garden string or twine. If they are not tied up the wind will soon loosen them. It is impossible for a plant that is continually being tugged this way and that to put out tiny young roots.

For more information on Roses and Rose care, contact Liz Sawday.

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