When it comes to using article marketing in an effective way, it is very important that you make sure your title will do its job. With the right title, your article can greatly increase Web traffic. Without a good title, your article marketing efforts will not prove worthwhile. Here are some basic tips about the kind of titles your articles need to generate a powerful stream of traffic.
The Title Must Get the Attention
By now, you have looked through lists of titles on many Web pages and chose to look at one or two after you obtained your search engine results. The only ones you looked at, though, were those that caught your attention. Do you remember that you just ignored the rest?
This is the same thing that people do when they see various titles. They pick and choose the ones that get their attention. If you want that attention that people are willing to give, you must develop a title that will capture that attention. A mundane title will not do.
The Title Must Express the Article’s Goal
Sometimes article titles can be a little deceiving. People choose a title and then the article really does not cover what is suggested by the title. That won’t work with article marketing. What will most likely happen is that the reader will turn away in disgust – and will not click on the link. They were deceived once – but not again.
If you want people to click on your links, then deliver what the title suggests. An article that won’t deliver that much is simply wasting people’s precious time. On the other hand, if your article writing meets their need for real information – they will visit your Web site – out of curiosity – if nothing else. That is when article marketing begins to be effective.
The Title Must Stand Out from Other Articles
In addition to getting attention, your title needs to stand out from other articles that may be displayed on the same search engine results page. It needs to promise more, promise a better solution to a real problem, or promise to provide a real solution in a shorter time frame. Of course, it also has to be realistic. Most people are not fooled when you promise they can earn $10,000 in two days.
When you have a good title, article marketing will produce traffic, and it can produce a lot of traffic for a long time. Tweak your title after letting the article sit for a little bit (at least an hour or two), then come back to it with a fresh mind.
A well-written article or blog post, put on a blog or into an article directory, can be found easily. Even better, though, is when people take your article and post it on their own Web site – with your link. If you do not think you can write Web content or articles that will get attention, then you can easily find writers that can create articles for you.
Mike Valles is a freelance writer who is available for writing projects, including writing articles for content marketing. He most often writes about personal finance topics, and he writes articles, blog posts, eBooks, and books. Learn more about his writing services by following the link.