Birthday Parties for Kids: Do’s and Don’ts

Kids look forward to their birthdays all year long, which means the pressure is on for planning a celebration that they will always remember. While planning your child’s birthday party is lots of fun, it can also be overwhelming to put together an event that includes food, activities and a venue that all ages can enjoy. Fortunately, you have come to the right place since this guide will show you exactly what to do and what to avoid as you plan for your kid to enjoy their very own “party of the year”.

Do Involve Your Child

Unless you are planning a surprise party, getting your child involved in the process will make sure they have the party of their dreams. Ask them whom they want to invite so that no one important is left off the guest list, and let them have some input on where they would like the party to be held. This way, you will not be second-guessing whether each decision is what your child would want or would not want.

Don’t Just Wing It

Planning the entertainment is one area where many parents make mistakes. While you want to give the guests room for open-ended play, you also want to avoid having them stand around with nothing to do. Ideally, your activities should encourage just enough excitement to keep the party humming merrily along, so check into entertainment options such as laser tag or a crafts table that allow for some flexibility with your timing.

Do Time Your Party Carefully

It may seem as though a party held late in the evening will make it possible for more guests to attend. However, younger children may be cranky by the evening, or it may be too dark for outdoor games and activities. Instead, plan your party for a weekend, and strive to start it during the mid-morning and afternoon hours. To avoid having the party go long, include an ending time on the invitation so that everyone is clear about the timing of your event.

Don’t Try to Do It All Yourself

You might be willing to do anything to make your child smile, but remember that your child also looks forward to seeing you enjoy their birthday. Hosting an event with young kids is hard work, and it helps to have other people ready to transition them through each activity while keeping an eye on their safety. Summer camp is an option that provides party hosts that know how to keep the fun going, and choosing from their planned activities frees up your time while giving you enough space to accommodate everyone on your guest list.

Do Provide Special Instructions

Give your guests a heads-up about any special activities you have planned so that they can plan accordingly. Knowing that they will be rock climbing will not just get them excited, but it will also let them know to wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Include your special instructions on the invitation, or give each parent the information when they contact you to RSVP.

This year, celebrate your kid’s big day with a party that all of their friends will enjoy. Remember, planning a party shouldn’t be stressful, so don’t be afraid to explore ways to enhance the excitement while having enough help to keep every guest happy. Then, get ready to enjoy the party with everyone else while snapping those adorable pictures of your kid’s favorite birthday party ever.

Let your kids enjoy the birthday party experience at Maplewood Summer Day Camp. Experienced staff will keep your child both safe and busy with arts and crafts, games, water sports, gymnastics and more. Visit the site at to see the fun your child will have at Maplewood Summer Day Camp.

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