Reasons a Traffic Cop Will Stop You

What did you stop me for? If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that, I could take a few days off, and maybe go to Florida! Seriously, if an officer stops you, I’m sure they have a pretty good reason, because after you get in and out of a patrol car, oh say, 100 times a day with anywhere from 25 to 60 extra pounds of gear on, you don’t do it for your fun, or your health!

Other than speeding, seat belt, or child restraint violations, there are other numerous traffic offenses you can be stopped for, and I’m sorry, but ignorance of the law is no excuse. But as long as you’re courteous and respectful to the officer, there’s a good chance you’ll only get a verbal or written warning. And we understand you really might not know the law. That’s actually common.

A defective vehicle will get you stopped. Loud or no muffler, turn signals not working, head light out, windshield or tail light broken, brake lights not working, tag lights burnt out are just a few. It’s actually not a bad idea to walk around your car from time to time to see if you do have any of these problems. The concern, after all, is for your safety, and those around you. We’ve seen many accidents caused by one headlight, or no brake lights!

Loud radios and window tint stops are popular because the violations are usually extreme. I don’t know about you, but I like to hear my stereo. But the one next to me might not. Just be considerate. The law is really cracking down on these radios, “Boomers, or Thumpers” as some call them. They are just annoying! And window tint! Dark windows may look really cool, but the ones darker than the laws allow are a vision hazard, especially when it gets dark. Another reason for these stops are it makes it VERY dangerous for officers to see inside the vehicle. Just follow your state guidelines, and you should be OK.

Also, remember your tags, inspection stickers, insurance,etc. In Tennessee anyway, you have to renew you license plates once a year. So when you’re washing the car, just look at the sticker on the tag. We’ve seen them out of date 4 or 5 years! No excuse there.

And here is a biggie… Cell phones! As of yet, the only law I know of here prohibits them in commercial vehicles and the anti texting and driving laws. But a whole lot of accidents (lots of teens and new drivers) that are caused by trying to use the phone, text, and drive at the same time.This is called divided attention skills, and some people don’t have them. I see a lot of swerving,improper lane changes, rear end accidents and the like due to cell phone usage. Please try and pull over safely if you’ve got to use the phone that bad!

So there are a few other reasons that an officer may stop you. Remember, just be honest! The Lord will honor that, and it will always help you in the long run!

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I'm your host and webmaster. I'm someone who enjoys life to it's fullest and love programming, drafting, farming, and an ordained Baptist pastor and sheriff's department chaplain.